Welcome to the Newman Family blog! We invite you to join us as we adopt our first child from the People's Republic of China!

Friday, November 03, 2006

the paperwork redo begins....

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So here we are, the much talked about paperwork-redo. Thought we were done with all of this BS one year ago. Who'd have known an autobiography and fingerprints could "expire". Well, that's our government for us. All moaning and groaning aside, the Homestudy redo paperwork is done and will get sent to our social worker today. Then, we will redo the immigrations paperwork.
The last set of referrals were issued to families yesterday through August 25, 2005. As a reminder, we were "logged in" on October 14, 2005. So, how many days of families till it is our turn? (smells like smoke, oh it is my brain trying to do math) 49 days ahead of us. No telling how long it will take to get through them. This may make no sense so someone who isnt/hasnt adopted from China. The word on the cyber street is that we could expect to see our referral, ie.picture and info about our baby, as early as January. Now that would be a pretty nice birhday gift!